My Books

As a career counselor, I had the chance to study what prevents good talent from finding their ideal positions quickly.  I found after countless interviews, the problem wasn’t really the resume or even its content as much as it was the person’s own confidence and ability to project that confidence.   

Lacking confidence, a person will always, always, always project a lesser image of himself and his skills.

This comes under the heading of “Personal Marketing” and this book will give you a boost in that department.  It boils  down to about a dozen things all of which are explained here with comprehensive solutions to overcome these barriers.

I carefully named this book How to Get a Job, not How to Find a Job. This is because I’ve taken up the entire job cycle from the beginning of finding out what kind of job to look for all the way through to the job interview and the negotiation process for salary, where the process ends, and you start your new position.

I want you to get the job you want and not compromise to a position you’re not going to be happy with.  That unhappiness will spread to your family and friends, so let’s hit the bullseye on this.

You can find this book available on Amazon Kindle, click on the cover to see a sample.