Management is a Combination of Know-How, Experience and Caring About What's Going On.

Ronald Norton

Ron grew up in New Rochelle, N.Y. and has over 40 years experience managing businesses successfully in such diverse fields as manufacturing, solar, construction, entertainment (including film production) and education. He has degrees in Business Management and Education. 

An entrepreneur at heart, his forte is managing companies and individuals into profitability. 

He is a published author and is best known for his book “How to Get a Job in a Good Economy or Bad”.  Several more books are on the way. 

He believes that a well organized team is more powerful than a greater number of individuals and so builds cohesive organizations and partnerships. 

He is the President and Owner of Marketing and Sales Services LLC, a company that primary manages businesses and real estate investments in the U.S.  and is now expanding it’s reach into retail markets to sell marketing services and hard goods of all description. 

He resides with his wife Janet near Harpers Ferry, WV where the Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers meet,  aptly described by John Denver as “Almost Heaven”.  

When asked what brought him to West Virginia he answered: “My family”. 


Ron grew up in New Rochelle, N.Y. and has over 40 years experience managing businesses successfully in such diverse fields as manufacturing, solar, construction, entertainment (including film production) and education. Ron’s responsibilities included the evaluation of new investments, the assessment of current investments and the management of pilot projects to determine feasibility for future investment. 

Ron has lectured and taught business and personal improvement in Los Angeles, New York, the Tampa Bay area and as far away as England.  As a career counselor, he authored and published the book: “How to Get a Job”.  

He believes that a well organized team is more powerful than a greater number of individuals and so builds cohesive organizations and partnerships.  An entrepreneur at heart, his forte is business management that results in higher profits.

He is the President and Owner of Marketing and Sales Services LLC, a company that primarily consults businesses and manages real estate investments in the U.S., and is now expanding it’s reach into retail markets to sell marketing services and hard goods of all description.

He resides with his wife Janet near Harpers Ferry, WV where the Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers meet,  aptly described by John Denver as “Almost Heaven”.

When asked what brought him to West Virginia he answered: “My family”.

"After 40 years of management, I found the best formula for success is to provide services and products that are in your customers' best interests and exceed their expectations."

"After 40 years of management, I found the best formula for success is to provide services and products that are in your customers' best interests and exceed their expectations."


Our current project is a series of investments including real estate and stocks. 

Planning includes the purchase and sale of a variety of manufactured goods for re-sale as well as selling products of others through our own marketing channels. We are always looking for partners in anything related to sales and marketing. Our business partnering philosophy is all partners should make healthy profits for their efforts and our aim is to make it happen.

This is one of our Dream City Projects to upgrade the Sosua Abajo area through urban art. Our local artists have contributed their time and fantastic skills….

Noche de Cine Gratis has been touring the North Coast of the Dominican Republic for 3 years now and has presented movies, popcorn, drinks and a lot of fun to over 100,000 children….


Our current projects include:

1. Small Business Consultations – Small businesses are traditionally owned by entrepreneurs who have developed a better idea. They are experts in their field. Often these entrepreneurs are not necessarily skilled in Personnel Management, Marketing, Sales, Accounting, and a variety of other functions that every business, small or large, requires, in order to succeed. We can provide a detailed analysis of what is deterring growth and more importantly, how to expand and increase profits.

2. Personal Marketing – Personal marketing is a strategy that serves to strengthen the image and reputation of a professional in the job market. It works with real characteristics, to positively highlight a person’s values and potentials. Having a personal website can boost your professional development in a few key ways:

  • People will take your seriously.
  • It becomes easier for potential recruiters, hiring managers and clients to contact you.
  • You can craft your own image and share your most impressive achievements/talents.

3. Clean Water – Poor water quality can not only injure your health through contaminants, but it can also cause damage to your plumbing and reduce the life of your water heater and appliances. Your energy bills can soar by as much as 30% through calcium deposits in your systems.

As a representative of Orbit Water Solutions, we can address any concerns you may have about your water at home or in your business. We can give you free water tests and where your water quality is unacceptable, we can provide solutions to supply you with clean and safe water.

4. Sales – Planning includes the purchase and sale of a variety of manufactured goods for re-sale as well as selling products of others through our own marketing channels. We are always looking for partners in anything related to sales and marketing. Our business partnering philosophy is all partners should make healthy profits for their efforts and our aim is to make it happen.

5. New Books – New books are on the way and the next publications will be a series of books that will address the full sales cycles including: how to research what products and services are need and wanted in your area, creating a product or service that satisfies that need or want, pricing it so it is acceptable, determining who your public (prospects) are, locating where these public are, creating a message that this public would be willing to accept (interest), acquiring leads/identities through communication channels that the recipient will accept and view, wording the offering in such a way that it will be seen as a good deal and entice your prospects, creating enough rapport to create trust and a willingness to exchange with you and finally, how to close the deal.

The final installment will feature how speed of service and quality of product and delivery create repeat business and acquisition of referrals.

We are always open to what you have to say and look forward to hearing from you.

Warm Regards, Ron



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